13 Doors 13 Doors, No. 4: Frankenstein In this series that we began earlier this year, we are using Hekate's key #13 with channeled guidance to unlock timely messages and energies from selected texts. This key leads us to kernels related to the power of transformation and Mother Goddess energy that have been seeded by
13 Doors 13 Doors, No. 3: The Scarlet Letter, Revisited In January, we began this series using one of Hekate's keys, the number 13. The first door we unlocked with this key was Chapter 13 in The Scarlet Letter, receiving the message: The vermillion winds of change. The towering A becomes a symbol of hope—bringing forth a
13 Doors 13 Doors, No. 2: Lolita In January, we began a series of posts about the number 13, a powerful key and one that can be used to unlock the mysteries around us. In the tarot, thirteen is the number of Death (XIII). In English and other alphabets, it corresponds to the letter "M"
13 Doors 13 Doors, No. 1: The Scarlet Letter 13 is a number of change and transformation. A key. One that can reveal messages to you if you look in the right places. In honor of this guiding key, we will post a series of messages on the 13th of each month related to this number. FREED FROM SHAME