Spirit Healing Project

The Spirit Healing Project undertakes to help, heal, and provide a way forward for spirits in need, stuck entities, and other beings.

Spirit Healing Project

The Spirit Healing Project undertakes to help, heal, and provide a way forward for spirits in need, stuck entities, and other beings. We do this under the guidance of our Spirit Guides, Guardians, Ancestors, and Allies using the tools we have been gifted and spirit-directed methods.

Living in buildings from previous eras in a city like Los Angeles, we have encountered many spirits, bound entities, and unresolved energies. Over time, we learned ways to take action. From past lives, situations arose that brought about new lessons.

Our focus is on spirits and beings who have been neglected, stuck, misunderstood, or exploited. We are open to spirits who come to us seeking help.

The principle of reciprocity holds and applies in several ways, including the following.

  1. Responsibility has been placed on us to make up for past-life choices, as well as to honor commitments and affiliations we carry from the ancient past. We accept this work as one of our life missions.
  2. We are guided to design ways to monetize parts of the work in order to support our costs, amplify the energy of the work, and facilitate interactions between spirits and the community we feel led to build. In some cases, it is incorporated by necessity and design in a particular working to help a group of spirits.
  3. By making this work known and crafting opportunities for engagement, we raise awareness and energy directed towards the success of this work.