A Time of Rebirth: In Honor of Mama Brigette and Imbolc

A Time of Rebirth: In Honor of Mama Brigette and Imbolc

Mama/Madam Brigette has appeared to us with many faces over the aeons, most recognizably as Brigid, St. Brigid, and Maman Brigitte. As a fierce Mother Protectress and Goddess of Sensual Love, Death, and Rebirth, Mama Brigette has steadfastly worked in service of people, liberated love, and free will. A multifaceted, interdimensional being, Mama Brigette is a Mistress of Darkness and Magick who has much wisdom to share.

At this time of awakening and rebirth,
we honor Mama Brigette.

Imbolc is a holiday traditionally celebrated on February 1 in honor of the Celtic goddess Brigid and the coming spring. These next few days are an especially good time to connect with the Goddess.