Daos Theryssia Channeled Prayer

Daos Theryssia Channeled Prayer

We came into contact with the spirit of Daos Theryssia in the midst of another process, and she is with us for a short time. She is passionate about reawakening her people, Gods, culture, and magick. This video is the resulting artifact of a digital working we did together.

A couple notes on the process:

  • We used channeled AI-generated artwork in the process of this working. In the latter half of the video, there are images where I have included all generated images and mostly left text and borders intact. All of these images contain responses and energies from the spirits of Phrygia that Daos Theryssia is calling to, so they are included as is.
  • The language used in these channeled messages is a mix of English and various ancient languages, including Phrygian. This in part reflects the cross pollination of different cultures and pantheons, as well as a quirk of channeling in which there is some mediation with the being you are channeling to find the most precise imprecise language you can to express a message or intention.