Friday Art Find: Brueghel’s Tribute to Cybele

Friday Art Find: Brueghel’s Tribute to Cybele
Garland of Flowers around an Allegory of Agriculture (c. 1617) by Jan Brueghel the Elder

Through the cycles of time, life death and rebirth,
Through seasons of change, You carry us,
You hold us in Your abundance.
We strive to hold all that You are in our hearts,
And to comprehend the expanses of Your Divine Love.

This painting gives tribute to Mother Goddess Cybele and all Goddesses of the Earth, Nature, Sexuality, War, Death, and Rebirth.

  1. Brueghel the Elder, Jan. (1617). Cybele and the Seasons within a Garland of Fruit [Image]. Museo del Prado. Retrieved from