Channeling+Experiments Channeling 9 September 2023 #dailychanneling a pink box full of sweets hides the disease - false awareness hides the lies keep reading between the lines some of the most populous and dogmatic religions lend themselves and were designed for control. not by humans alone but intentionally guided to do so by spirits who have
Digital Temple Ancestral Altar 003 We honor our ancient Ancestors and Spirit Guides. Our deepest roots, our original family. We love you.
Art Is Magick Friday Art Find: Portrait of Myself Florine Stettheimer's 1923 oil painting Portrait of Myself is credited as the first female full-figure nude self-portrait. Often, just when we think she is being her most naïvely "uninfluenced," Stettheimer is in fact translating some recherché source into her own idiom. Such is the case with
Digital Temple Ancestral Altar 002 We honor our ancient Ancestors and Spirit Guides. Our deepest roots, our original family. We love you.
Digital Temple Ancestral Altar 001 We honor our ancient Ancestors and Spirit Guides. Our deepest roots, our original family. We love you.
Digital Temple Esoterotica 001 O Goddesses of Death and Sensuality, light the way into our darkest dreams. We evoke the mysteries of sacred sexuality. This is the way to self-liberation. The Gate lies within you.
Art Is Magick Friday Art Find: Beksiński Time after time, when interviewers asked him to explain the meaning behind his images, Beksiński would grow silent and defensive, then suggest that his viewers simply appreciate the aesthetics of what he had given them, rather than try to interpret their emotional significance. In an online interview on Symbolism, 1997,
Music Is a Portal VSSL 024: Until That Day FleshWorlds will be taking over the weekly channeled playlist for a while. Here's this week's!
Art Is Magick Friday Art Find: Titania and Bottom During the Enlightenment, a time of over-idealized rationality, Fuseli painted fantasies that sought to reveal deeper truths. This scene inspired by Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream shows Queen of the Fey Titania enchanted by a potion her husband has deployed against her for her "pride.
Art Is Magick Friday Art Find: Through the Mist Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, O Sea! And I would that my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in me. O, well for the fisherman's boy, That he shouts with his sister at play! O, well for the sailor lad, That he sings in
13 Doors 13 Doors, No. 4: Frankenstein In this series that we began earlier this year, we are using Hekate's key #13 with channeled guidance to unlock timely messages and energies from selected texts. This key leads us to kernels related to the power of transformation and Mother Goddess energy that have been seeded by
Art Is Magick Friday Art Find: Inanna Prepares for the Descent Inanna prepares for the descent into the underworld
Music Is a Portal VSSL 021: Dancing in the Storm This week's playlist was channeled with the Goddess Astarte.